miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011

Temperate in N.L.

Unlike most of the surface of Nuevo León, in the zones that are in the area nearby the Sierra Madre Oriental have a temperate semi humid weather and a sub temperate sub humid weather.
The municipalities with the first weather are Galeana, Aramberri, Zaragoza and a part of Iturbide, as well as the part occupied by the Sierra Madre.
This zone is characterized by a weather whose annual average temperature is between 16˚ C and 20˚ C. The hottest time of the year is in the months of June, July, and August with temperatures up to 30˚ C.  The months with the lower temperatures are December and January when temperature has a value of around 11˚ C.
In the temperate sub humid weather zone there are summer rains that fall mainly in the Sierra Madre Oriental and in part of the municipality of Galeana. These rains precipitation have an estimate value of 700 mm per year. Nevertheless, the rest of the region receives the water from the rains of September, when they get a precipitation between of 230 – 240 mm (as long as there is not a drought).
The sub temperate weather with the scarce rains is present in the municipalities of Santiago, Allende, General Terán.
There are also municipalities such as Montemorelos, Linares and Hualahuises where the sub temperate weather has summer rains. Thanks to these rains these zone has been able to carry animal husbandry and agriculture on.
The weather in these two regions is around an annual average of 23˚ C. they’re bigger source of water are the September rains which fluctuate between 160 and 200 mm.

martes, 23 de agosto de 2011

Nuevo Leon as an semiarid place.

The semiarid climate is known as having small periods of rain,  with low temperatures in the winter season, and hotter temperature in the summer, that with that conditions, in its flora, you can find some trees and bushes, and mesquite.
The 68% of the state has semiarid climate and semidry in 20% calid humid, and it is located on the plain costera del Golfo norte, 7% of this is humid template and it is located on the high tops of mountain and the restant 5% has a very dry weather into the Sierra Madre Occidental.
It is stated that the main climate is semiarid. The rainfall it is very lower in the state, although there are some places of the region that have registered annual rain higher than 800 mm. Between all the state, it varies between 300 and 600 mm.
La average of the temperature of Nuevo Leon varies between 20 degrees, and in some places its maximum average is 32 degrees, but for example in the past months, it reached until the 45 degrees, and in most of places, the average of minimum temperature is 5°C that is presented in January, but as pollution in the world is affected, in the past winter, it reached until the -15 degrees in some regions of the state.
This constantly changes in weather and temperature, made Nuevo Leon semiarid, which is a negative factor in agriculture, because rains are not predominated on the region, but anyways it is grown corn, wheat, beans, and many others.
Semiarid climate, contribute principally in the nororiental region, which it forms part of the great plain of Nortamerica, and de southoccidental region, separated by the first heights of the Sierra Madre Oriental.
In lower regions of the mountains, in the zone of the center and south of the state and big part of the river San Juan, it is registered semiarid climates, templates, and semicold.
In the great plain of Northamerica, the semiarid climate, is distributed along the province, it has similar characteristics to the dryer, and they are associated to the vegetation of intermontane bush and mesquite, in which the humidity is not very important in values.
In the Sierra Madre Oriental, the weather is semiarid template, in which it registers small amount or rain through all the year. The maximum amount of rain in this place is between May and august, with a range from 35 and 40 mm, and the minimum in March, with less than 10mm.
When tourists visit Nuevo Leon, they feel the change of water immediately, and many because they are not used to, they got sick or they don’t come prepared with these extreme temperatures, as drinking water or light clothes.
It is normal to Nuevo Leon to have these temperatures, but as the time passes, it has been changing drastically, to become hotter in this case. There are many factors that make this became more a semiarid place, between these reasons are pollution, lack of vegetation (cutting trees for industry goods) , and also, the conscience of the society, that doesn’t pay attention to it. We have many parks and natural places, but it doesn’t mean that we are rich on it, as an industrialized state, these resources are disappearing, and temperatures, are more affected.

Made by; Lorena Sepulveda Benavides

Arid Climate

Is characterized by a severe lack of available water, to the extent of hindering or even preventing the growth and development of plant and animal life.
There is a general agreement include the hot deserts located broadly in sub-tropical regions, where the accumulation of water is largely prevented by either low precipitations
The arid climate in Nuevo leon consists in the 4.96% of the surface but is the most common climate in the year, because is not an dessert climate the temperature is hot or warm during the day as in the night,.
The area of the arid climate are in Anahuac, Lampazos de Naranjo, Villaldama, Agualeguas y Paras in this area the amount of rainfall during the year is around 600 millimeters.
Most of the plants in Nuevo Leon are small trees, low grass population, the most common plant are the shrubs and the cactus. Most of the area is lifeless only the plants grew close to the rivers.
The Fauna
The communities of animals in these climate is short with low variety, most of the fauna are insects, reptiles such as snakes and lizards, mice and Scavengers birds, little mammals like fox, coyotes, with the people that live in these areas, most of them introduce bovines and equines, cows and bulls, mules and horses which cant live by their own in this extreme environment.

climate nuevo leon part 1

General Information
Climate in Nuevo Leon

Climate is the characteristic condition of the atmosphere near the earth's surface at a certain place on earth. Two of the most important factors determining an area's climate are air temperature and precipitation.

World biomes are controlled by climate. The climate of a region will determine what plants will grow there, and what animals will inhabit it. All three components, climate, plants and animals are connected to create the fabric of a biome.

Nuevo Leon is located near the border, at the Midwest of the country and it is characterized as a state geographically surrounded by mountains.

            The climate of a place is set with data from an optimal period of 30 years or more. Thus, it was established that the climate is extreme in Nuevo Leon. It is mainly hot and dry, but has template temperatures in the higher areas, freezing in winter and a heavy-long rainy season.

Average temperature: 23 ° C
Absolute Minimum: 8 ° C
Maximum of: 43°C.
Location: Northeastern Mexico

Average Humidity: 62% 
Borders: Coahuila, Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosi, Zacatecas, Texas

Hottest months are June, July and August 
Weather: Hot and dry

 Rain cycle: July to September 
Average annual rain: 602 mm

Köppen Climate Classification System

The Köppen Climate Classification System is the most widely used for classifying the world's climates. Most classification systems used today are based on the one introduced in 1900 by the Russian-German climatologist Wladimir Köppen. Köppen divided the Earth's surface into climatic regions that generally coincided with world patterns of vegetation and soils.

The Köppen system recognizes five major climate types based on the annual and monthly averages of temperature and precipitation. Each type is designated by a capital letter.

In the case of Nuevo Leon, its classification gets in:
B - Dry Climates; characterized by little rain and a huge daily temperature range. And in two subgroups, S - semiarid or steppe, and W - arid or desert, where there are large temperature fluctuations due to the lack of water vapor in the atmosphere.
Nuevo Leon is in a semi-arid region in nature. The average annual precipitation ranges between 300 and 600 mm and the most frequent winds come from the north, northwest and east because of its location on the edge of the steppe and the Sierra Madre Oriental. Hurricanes bring a good amount of water that allows agriculture and consumption in humans and animals, without them it would be more arid.

Angela Hernandez Hdz :)

Tropical climate (or temperate sub-humid)

The tropical climate (or temperate sub-humid) is located near the valley that forms between the Sierra Madre and the Cerro de la Silla. The temperature of this sub-humid climate occupies 7% of the state of Nuevo León. The climates of these areas close to mountains into valleys that avoid hot air. The municipality with more area in the wet state is Santiago and its climate is temperate / humid, with an average temperature of 21 ° in the lowlands and 14 ° C in the upper parts of the highlands. Precipitation is moderate, and its annual average of 1000 mm in the lowlands and only 600 mm in the highlands of the Sierra. Its winds are prevailing trade winds, weak to moderate southeast, bringing moisture from the Gulf of Mexico and in the winter cold winds prevail from the north.

Liliana Sosa

jueves, 18 de agosto de 2011

What we mean for.

Everything that we make, has a meaning. A collaborator of our team, design the logo, by designing it in a sustainable way, that makes to improve our world to better conditions in not damaging it.

In the logo, we can see different symbols. First the spiral, which indicates how we care about the problematics in the world, and how everything has a solution, in a green way. The spikes mean the society, each member that gives the daily effort to make this planet a better place to live, and how each spike and the center, is together, making this, how with the help of people we can make a change, also the symbol of the leave, means that everything, can be solved "greenly".