martes, 23 de agosto de 2011

Nuevo Leon as an semiarid place.

The semiarid climate is known as having small periods of rain,  with low temperatures in the winter season, and hotter temperature in the summer, that with that conditions, in its flora, you can find some trees and bushes, and mesquite.
The 68% of the state has semiarid climate and semidry in 20% calid humid, and it is located on the plain costera del Golfo norte, 7% of this is humid template and it is located on the high tops of mountain and the restant 5% has a very dry weather into the Sierra Madre Occidental.
It is stated that the main climate is semiarid. The rainfall it is very lower in the state, although there are some places of the region that have registered annual rain higher than 800 mm. Between all the state, it varies between 300 and 600 mm.
La average of the temperature of Nuevo Leon varies between 20 degrees, and in some places its maximum average is 32 degrees, but for example in the past months, it reached until the 45 degrees, and in most of places, the average of minimum temperature is 5°C that is presented in January, but as pollution in the world is affected, in the past winter, it reached until the -15 degrees in some regions of the state.
This constantly changes in weather and temperature, made Nuevo Leon semiarid, which is a negative factor in agriculture, because rains are not predominated on the region, but anyways it is grown corn, wheat, beans, and many others.
Semiarid climate, contribute principally in the nororiental region, which it forms part of the great plain of Nortamerica, and de southoccidental region, separated by the first heights of the Sierra Madre Oriental.
In lower regions of the mountains, in the zone of the center and south of the state and big part of the river San Juan, it is registered semiarid climates, templates, and semicold.
In the great plain of Northamerica, the semiarid climate, is distributed along the province, it has similar characteristics to the dryer, and they are associated to the vegetation of intermontane bush and mesquite, in which the humidity is not very important in values.
In the Sierra Madre Oriental, the weather is semiarid template, in which it registers small amount or rain through all the year. The maximum amount of rain in this place is between May and august, with a range from 35 and 40 mm, and the minimum in March, with less than 10mm.
When tourists visit Nuevo Leon, they feel the change of water immediately, and many because they are not used to, they got sick or they don’t come prepared with these extreme temperatures, as drinking water or light clothes.
It is normal to Nuevo Leon to have these temperatures, but as the time passes, it has been changing drastically, to become hotter in this case. There are many factors that make this became more a semiarid place, between these reasons are pollution, lack of vegetation (cutting trees for industry goods) , and also, the conscience of the society, that doesn’t pay attention to it. We have many parks and natural places, but it doesn’t mean that we are rich on it, as an industrialized state, these resources are disappearing, and temperatures, are more affected.

Made by; Lorena Sepulveda Benavides

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