martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

"The forest La Pastora"; a great habitat for numerous kinds of species is in great danger,

“Parque Ecológico La Pastora”

The municipality of Guadalupe, is located on the north by the municipalities of San Nicolas de los Garza and Apodaca; on the south by the municipality of Juarez, on the west by Monterrey and in the by Apodaca is a municipality and which is fully integrated into the metropolitan area part of the great urban sprawl of the capital of Nuevo Leon.

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This town sits on an aquifer, which provides a place where the trees get their water with their roots at depth, and so as you can see lush vegetation, houses in their yards have walnuts, avocados and a another mesquite and some fruits such as pomegranates, persimmons, oranges, lemons, etc.. and in this town where the Parque Ecologico La Pastora.

In 1598, settlers arrived in the city of Our Lady of Monterrey, was at the time when they founded the estate in the metropolitan city with the name "La Pastora". Over the years, was officially opened in July 1985 making the old hacienda in the zoo. Gradually took on different animal species and flora with which they formed to give life and form to this place that is one of the most complete zoo in northern Mexico.

After renovations and other factors, the park "La Pastora" has four main areas are: typical town, the zoo, the lake and a forest zone. The zoo houses animals native fauna species and exotic wildlife, providing visitors to appreciate these animals that have a different habitat of the area. The animal park management has been concerned about the species present a similar scenario to that of their habitat, which is why each has adapted exhibitors with vegetation and soil according to the mode of life of each animal. In addition to every place you can find scientific information and life of each species, as well as your family tree, evolution and development of life.

La Pastora as an ecological source.

137 acres rescued Río La Silla margins to create a development with new stadium 

Monterrey, Mexico (September 9, 2008) .- To take advantage of the banks of the Rio La Silla as a lung of the city and a recreational area, the State Government and private initiative announced yesterday the plan to create the Parque Ecológico La Pastora. 
In the town of Guadalupe, from El Realito to the Park River La Silla, will enable the new route along 7 kilometers, covering some 137 hectares. 
The project plans to provide tourism infrastructure and services to the entire area with walkways, lighting system, parking lots and shopping area. 

It also plans to build dams to the use of boats, pedestrian crossings and a botanical garden, in addition to remodel the zoo of La Pastora. 
According to official information, the new parks will integrate ecological zone La Pastora, Toltec and Rio La Silla, and will be declared as a protected area by the State, by a decree be issued. 
In announcing the ecological park did not specify what the investment required in the work. 

The development of this project will be headed by a board chaired by José Antonio Fernández, director general of Grupo Femsa, a company that will be part of the body along with other institutions in the private sector, academia, civil society and government that are not yet defined. 
Hours before it was announced the construction of new stadium Rayados de Monterrey on one side of Parque La Pastora, the green area plan was presented by Governor Natividad Gonzalez Paras, by Fernandez and the Mayor of Guadalupe, Cristina Diaz. 

Gonzalez Paras admitted that the area of ​​La Pastora has been abandoned for several years, but not talked about the responsibility of the government in this situation. 

He noted that with the declaration of protected natural area, now there will be greater attention. 

"We proceeded to issue decrees in order to make this eco-park in a protected area," he said, "to give permanence and sense of direction to give everything here is done, you build and develop." 

He explained that a committee be formed with the CNA, SEMARNAT, and Conafor Profepa, so that the new ecological park is also a place where they can teach ecology. 
Fernandez said that one of the objectives of the course will achieve its self-sustainability. 
"It's going to take steps, obviously, the early stages we are going to start these days, but he has since the creation of a master plan that involves the dreams within dreams 20 years and within two years," explained the businessman. 

"We have to start cleaning the river, the water and go little by little that the park is self-sustaining, because this park is for everyone and should be maintained and protected by all." 
The director of Parks and Wildlife of the State, Rene Hernandez, said that for this project the state will provide 70 hectares of green area, the Federation put 56 more, and the rest will yield the municipality of Guadalupe.
While not an approximate investment or definitive outline of the project, State and federal authorities and the municipality of Guadalupe announced the creation of the Ecological Park La Pastora, with which it seeks to revive and protect the green areas of the sector.

Prior to the announcement of the construction of a new football stadium in the area, which already has critics for allegedly affect the environment, Gov. Natividad Gonzalez Paras said that the new space is intended to reconciliation and good relations between man and nature.

"It is a privileged ecological zoo, a walk through the coexistence in nature, is an ecological reserve of the biosphere and the forests that is within a city."

The president also elaborated on preserving the flora and fauna, provision is enabling seven miles of the river La Silla "not to contaminate both" as an attraction of the park.

"It is a place of recreation for our children that includes a living river that includes (sic) backside, fish, waterfowl, dams," he said noting that just over 78 hectares which includes La Pastora will be strengthened with about 140 hectares more than other parks in that municipality, in order to make a comprehensive project.

The urban ecological park as well have called it, was carried out with public funds, the State, the Federation and the municipalities, and private-companies such as FEMSA.

And although there is no official start date for major adjustments, it was explained that soon will begin cleanup work in the area, which long remained without maintenance.

To prevent the project may suffer threats such as those now present near La Pastora, not only will draw on the collaboration of volunteers for their care, but also provides total shielding of the site through its declaration as a protected natural area .

"We proceeded to issue decrees in order to make this eco-park in a protected area in order to give permanence and sense of direction to give everything here is done, you build and develop," he said Natividad Gonzalez Paras.

According to José Antonio Fernández Carbajal, Chairman of the Board of Parque La Pastora, this place will be part of an integrated urban development project in this area of ​​Guadalupe.

In this also includes the new stadium of football club Monterrey, for which the roads surrounding areas should also undergo a series of adaptations, that, in order to avoid further conflicts in the vehicle cargo area.

Integrate patronage
During the presentation of La Pastora Ecological Park also announced that the board of trustees responsible for the proper development of the project, involving the private initiative of Nuevo León, universities and employers in the locality.

The goal of this organization is to achieve sustainability of natural and recreational new space, which they hope can transcend beyond any government administration.

"We have to go little by little that the park is self-sustaining because it is a park that belongs to everyone, and should be maintained and protected by all," said the CEO of Grupo FEMSA, José Antonio Fernández Carbajal, who will serve as chairman of The Ecological Park Board Pastora.
"This is going to perform including universities, experts, environmentalists, and all the authorities (...) Forest Magic, Magic Forest representatives have also offered their support and are willing to cooperate to make it a comprehensive action "he said.

Flora and fauna.
It also has trains, restaurants, snacks, people's theater, galleries, garden art, parking, security and user services, first aid, rental of wheelchairs and strollers, all within the same park so called " The typical village "(it is named for its setting, where visitors can feel removed from the present time to dive into another bygone era) as are the rooms of geology, marine and aquarium, and the main attraction The guide for the habitat of animals that also has an aviary and snake, (the area has over three hundred species of fauna)
This Zoo is seen to be of the most complete as it can find from a simple bird habitat, such as ostrich, peacock blue, owl, etc.. In the same way that species of reptiles such as lizards, crocodiles Mexican boa, scorpion , etc., and mammals such as spider monkeys, puma, ocelot, Bengal tiger, buffalo, hippopotamus, giraffes, and so on.

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<!--[if !vml]-->Descripción:<!--[endif]-->Fauna: Animals such as black bears, cougar, peccaries, red fox, golden eagle, White tailed deer, are in great danger of losing their habitat due to the new stadium that is planned in the forest La Pastora, fortunately none of this species are in danger of disappear from the earth but in the city of Monterrey they are.

Flora: Poplars, Royal Poinciana, laurel, Common Privet, Peruvian Pepper (anacahuita), Old Fustic and others, are few examples of the extense fauna that we can see in the forest La Pastora, some of this plants only can be seen in this forest.
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In March 2009 Greenpeace Monterrey Local Group decreed Ecological Park as Protected Area Pastora, is protected by its scenic beauty, its scientific, educational, recreational, historical value, the existence of flora and fauna he  r aptitude for the development of tourism, or other similar reasons of general interest.
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However, despite all these features that La Pastora have, it has been established that the Government of Nuevo Leon is going to destroy it and instead it will create a stadium for the team Rayados, and that’s have emerged arguments for and against.

Arguments in Favor and Analysis

The construction of the new stadium in La Pastora has raised a large amount of arguments in both, supporting and against, the built in that location. Although arguments in favor of the stadium have shown themselves appealing for many people, there are a lot of arguments that make us doubt about the selected location for the stadium.
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At least 2,300 new jobs will be produced by the construction of the stadium. After its construction, 1,000 more employments will be created for the maintenance, and functioning of the stadium. The creation of new jobs will help the economies of families of Guadalupe and neighboring municipalities, but no matter where the stadium is constructed employments will be made.

The construction of the stadium will also increase the tourism and will help the economy of the state and of the municipality of Guadalupe. The creation of the stadium will certainly improve the tourism of our city. A problem with the construction in this stadium in La Pastora is that the streets around it (Paseo de las Americas, Exposición, Eloy Cavazos, Tolteca, among others) haven’t got the capacity to allow the expected flow of cars, as shown in Figure 1.1.

<!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->In the area for the parking lot, there will be planted hundreds of trees. Along with the construction of the stadium there is going to be developed a park that will become a place where families can spend time together. It is good to support familiar bonding, but this has already been an argument for the construction of the Parque Fundidora, the Paseo Santa Lucía, and the Mirador del Obispado.

<!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->This great park, apart from becoming an icon of the state of Nuevo León in international scale, is expected to inspire an ecology culture in the population. But, in words of biologist Antonio Hernández, “there is nothing less ecologic than destroying a forest”
But what has the government said about the construction of the stadium in the only natural park in Guadalupe? The government has supported the project of the stadium giving to the company FEMSA-Heineken 25 hectare of La Pastora (which has a total area of 140 hectare, Figure 1.2). “We are only enabling the usage of the land. The responsible of the construction of the stadium are the promoters (FEMSA-Heineken) and the construction company (Maiz Mier), we have little saying in the matter” was expressed last year by the Governor of Nuevo Leon, Rodrigo Medina de la Cruz.

<!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->Although the government claims the stadium is not their responsibility, many brows have been raised by the acknowledgement of the constructer company Maiz Mier.  This company is already known for the construction of the Torre Administrativa, the Paseo Santa Lucia, and other public and private constructions. In these past constructions, there have been rumors about hidden arrangements between this company and Medina’s predecessor, Natividad Parás.

Arguments against the destruction of “La Pastora”
<!--[if !vml]-->Descripción:<!--[endif]-->As we have seen, La Pastora is the last natural forest of Monterrey, the habitat of different species of plants, animals and insects, with the destruction of this forest, the population of this species will decrease instantly and all of the ecosystems of the forest in Nuevo Leon will crash eventually.

Another main reason is that this forest represents an important part of the chain of living cycle of Monterrey, this means, most of the plants that grow everyday in the city and other parts of Nuevo Leon, are connected to the forest.

This forest gives the seeds in order to make other plants to grow. So, is like a chain, this seeds are transported by the numerous birds that live in this habitat, the major treat in the destruction of the forest will be that the number of birds species will decrease, then the population of new plants also, then the animas that eat from those plants will need another source of food and all of this may cause to this animals visit frequently the city, now with the lack of tolerance to the animals in Monterrey, the people will eradicate them to a dangerous numbers.

Another big problem with the destruction of this habitat is the lack of trees in the city, this forest purify the air from the city, without it the pollution in the air will increase making a big treat to the people in the city, the population in the hospitals and clinics due to pulmonary diseases will increase making the state lose money.

The work, led by the private company FEMSA, with the consent of the State governmentand the municipality of Guadalupe, consists of 24.5 hectares and is contemplated in an area adjacent to protected natural area (PNA) New Ecological Park La Pastora.

In the forest of La Pastora reported 107 species of fauna among which include species of special protection, threatened and endangered species like the yellow-headed parrot*. In addition, the forest is home to the last living river in the city, the river La Silla, whichis surrounded by oaks and junipers integrating a living ecosystem.

The program also draws semiarid scrub species as part of the priorities for the conservation of vegetation, which confirms the value of ecosystem that exists in theforest La Pastora and the importance of conservation as action on climate change.


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