martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011

Research population: Monterrey population

1.- What age groups make up the largest part of the population? The smallest?
Monterrey has one of the biggest group of young people reaching almost 400,000 (393738) persons between the 14 and 19 years old only in 2010. On the other hand Monterrey has a age group of only 125,158 people between 60 and 65, sadly in the next 20 years this age group would be decreasing and maybe old people would be in a dangerous place being between the fifty thousand and one hundred thousand people, but luckily this numbers will increase again because the expectations of life are increasing for young people, less people die young (in Monterrey) and more people are giving birth at early ages.

2.- Which gender has the highest population numbers? Why do you think so? (Females tend to have higher population numbers due to their general longer life expectancies, as well as other socio-economic factors.)
Between women and men, women are taking head by only one hundred persons above the men.

3.- What trends may be predicted for the population over the next 20 to 50 years? Do you expect to have more people in older age groups?
There are more young men than women we can infer with this information that in 20 years the men population will be higher than women but in 50 year women will again head the leadership in what population is related. 

4.- If you have researched migration, life expectancy, and other population features, what do you expect to happen in this country in the next 25 to 50 years? Will the population pyramid still be a pyramid or more like a box?

The population in Monterrey is 3.7 millions that is the 94% of the total population of Nuevo León that is 4,199,292; 62% of this population has from 15 to 59 years and according to the graph the life expectancy is 75 years. In the last 5 years around 2.8% arrived recently to Monterrey, from that 2.8%, 97.2% had already lived in Monterrey so they came back, 2.6% lived in another state, and 0.2% came from U.S.A.
According to the official population statistics the growth rate is 1.4% per year, so it is expected that the graph became a box between 25 and 50 years more or less because there are a lot of factors that are affecting the emigration and immigration like the insecurity, people are emigrating for a better life expectancy etc, there are also lots of diseases that are related with death rate and affect directly but there are a lot of services like the IMSS, ISSSTE or any other health service.
Because Monterrey is a city; it ranks third in the bigger cities of México, that’s why we have more life expectancy because of the resources so we are expected to become more people and graph to become a box.
5.- What effect on population would better housing, income, medicine/health care have on the overall population?

It has long been established that man's most basic needs are food, clothing and shelter, however housing represents a very influential factor in determining social attitudes in our population and the type of community in which the family is raised. Informal rental housing has been characterized as overpriced, overcrowded and inadequate, while formal rental housing often disproportionately caters to upper income groups and foreign workers, so if housing gets better and cheaper, there would be enough space for a population to grow and develop properly. Another aspect to considerate is the income that for example a family earns and that they spend daily to survive, this means, the effect that have on population will determine their financial position in the society and for the last aspect to considerate is the effect of medicine and health care in populations. They are factors that impact health on a population-level, such as environment, social structure, distribution, etc but they also provide longer lives for people, more cures to treat serious diseases, better conditions that they give for the life but as always, is not equal for everyone. We have to see the reality, this three main effects affect population in different ways and become more visible in some regions but they are all related to each other, so finally, I think that there’s positive effects on how a population may grow according to the factors of their environment.

6.- What effects do immigration and emigration have on the country’s population? (Answers may include that more people moving into a country will increase the population while more people leaving will decrease the population if births and deaths are also high.)
Even if a person decides to move into another country, more than a change of land, it alters all the population in means of quantity and resources. When it does immigration to a land, it competes between more individuals resources, as he is taking more space of that space provided. An d when he leaves his basic town, produces to decrease its population of the land that he lived, and that little by little all the society that lived on the same area as he lived, will be affected, because there is one less human to reproduce, or to get resources with.

7.- What challenges are faced by countries that have an older population that outnumber the younger population?
While some countries are struggling with the increase of the population by new young members, other countries have quite a different problem. Nations, such as Belgium and Sweden, have a greater average in the age of their population. Some challenges these countries face (or will soon face) are:
·         A higher demand for medical and nonmedical services. Some of these services are nursing, medical care, Long-Term Care (LTC). An example of problems with this is Croatia. Persons over the age of 65 are more than the 17% of Croatia’s population; each year there is a greater demand of LTC services, but there is neither the necessary money nor work force for it.
·         Older people are likely to participate less in the labor force. Some reasons for this are retirement, sickness. Another problem arises because the younger generations are smaller and can’t possibly do as much work, or have little opportunities, etc; creating a smaller and weaker work force.
·         Pensions and programs for elderly. The economy of countries wouldn’t be capable to produce the needed money for the pensions for a great part of the population. And pension-time would be greater by the increasing life expectancy.

8.- What are some challenges both developed and developing countries will have in the future with growing populations? (Answers may include environmental concerns, transportation concerns, growing medical needs, growing demands for education, shortages of resources, and shortages of housing.)

Some challenges would be like, how to get the enough resources for all the population if the population is growing and growing and it is finishing with all the resources, there won’t be any food cause the population will be ending with it, also for the transportation, if there is so much population, they would end with the petroleum that is used in almost all the transports in the planet. Also cause in the future the population would very few spaces for people on houses. Also cause is there going to be more people the countries would face the demand for education cause there is going to be more people and it would be the same spaces for schools, like we are facing in our times.

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